报告地点:腾讯会议 876 975 541
Venture Capital Exit Pressure and Venture Exit: A Board Perspective
主讲人:威斯康辛大学-密尔沃基分校 Ting Yao副教授
Ting Yao,威斯康辛大学-密尔沃基分校(University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)卢巴商学院(Lubar School of Business)战略管理专业的副教授。Dr. Yao的研究兴趣主要是创业、公司治理和战略管理。特别的,她的研究考察了董事会如何帮助风险资本支持的初创公司创新、克服资源限制并成功退出。姚博士还研究了上市公司董事会的子群体动态和性别多样性。Dr. Yao的论文“Venture Capital Exit Pressure and Venture Exit: A Board Perspective”已经被SMJ(Strategic Management Journal)录用。该刊是UTD 24种顶级期刊之一,是全球战略管理研究领域最顶级的学术期刊。
Venture capital funds have a limited lifecycle. As the fund ages, venture capitalists (VCs) are motivated to promote venture exit discussions with the venture board. We investigate the impact of VCs’ exit pressure on the hazard of four types of venture exit (IPO, high-value M&A, low-value M&A, and liquidation), considering how VCs’ exit pressure influences board collaboration. We find that while the VCs’ exit pressure does not affect the hazard of IPOs, the pressure significantly increases the hazard of M&A and liquidation. Achieving important milestones does not reduce the impact of exit pressure on the hazard of low-value M&A and liquidation. Independent directors moderate the impact of the VC’s exit pressure, increasing the hazard of high-value M&A and lessening the hazard of liquidation.