KOK网页版官方网站:On the unitary equivalence of operators acting on reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces

发布日期:2022-05-05 浏览量:



报告题目:On the unitary equivalence of operators acting on reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces

主讲人:河北师范大学 纪奎 教授

主讲人简介:纪奎,河北师范大学数学科学学院,教授,博士生导师,全国百篇优秀博士论文获得者,国家优青。研究方向为Cowen-Douglas算子理论。代表性成果发表在《Advances in Mathematics》、《Journal of Functional Analysis》、《Journal of Noncommutative Geometry》、《Israel Journal of Mathematics》、《Studia Mathematica》、《Canadian Journal of Mathematics》等国际数学期刊上。

内容简介:A well-known theorem due to R. E. Curto and N. Salinas gives a necessary and sufficient condition for the unitary equivalence of commuting tuples of bounded linear operators acting on reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. Inspired by this theorem, we obtain a different but equivalent criterion for the unitary equivalence of operators acting on reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. As an application, we describe the structure of intertwining operator and prove that the decomposition of Cowen-Douglas operators is unique up to unitary equivalence.
