报告嘉宾:北京理工大学 李果教授
嘉宾简介:李果,北京理工大学教授,博导,2021年度教育部青年长江学者获得者。从事绿色供应链与物流管理、市场营销与运营交叉、大数据驱动决策管理等领域教学研究工作,担任教育部高校物流教指委青工组副组长,中国物流学会等多个一级、二级学会常务理事/秘书长/理事,POM(UTD24)和IJLRA(SSCI)编委,DS(DSI会刊)副主编,国际知名期刊ITP (SSCI, ABS-3)高级编辑,国际知名期刊TRE、ANOR、IJPR、JBR、IJLRA、CIE、FEM和ECR客座编辑,以第一/通讯在JOM(UTD24)、POM(UTD24)、DS、NRL、EJOR、中国管理科学等发表论文70余篇。发表在JOM的论文获2020年度“中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”,发表在POM的论文(2021年第10期)入选2021年POM下载量最高前十榜单,获国际运筹学会联合会(IFORS) 2021 ITOR最佳论文奖,2020年SCED期刊首届最佳论文奖,第十九次中国物流学术年会优秀论文奖一等奖第一名,第三、七届北京市大学生物流设计大赛优秀指导教师奖。
报告主要内容: In this talk, we first examine an online retailer’s incentive for demand information sharing with an upstream supplier who has already built a retail channel but possesses an incentive to establish a commission channel. Subsequently, we investigate a manufacturer's information acquisition and subsidization strategies in a supply chain featuring two competing retailers who sell substitutable products and have private demand information. The manufacturer can decide whether to acquire demand information at a cost and further decide whether to offer subsidies simultaneously to retailers to induce their sharing of private demand information. Finally, I will present, summarize, and also discuss how to develop interesting research topics under the platform economy.